CEEF Rebates
Among its several energy-efficiency programs, the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund offers rebates to homebuilders for new energy-efficient homes and for gut rehabs of existing homes. The program is administered by the two largest electric utility companies in Connecticut, Eversource Energy and The United Illuminating

Company. The program is renewed annually by the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) based on recommendations from the CEEF and the utility companies. The CEEF is funded by charges on the monthly electricity and natural gas bills of Connecticut consumers.
The 2020 program offers several rebates for new and gut-rehabbed homes
A HERS Rating Incentive with rebates in the range of $3,000 - $7,000 for a single-family home
Bonus incentives for high-performance home certifications including ENERGY STAR, Challenge Home and the National Green Building Standard
To download a PDF summary of these and other incentives and program application forms please go to the Resources/Information page.